The Smart City Office has promoted a new municipal website that brings citizens closer to all the information regarding aid approved by the local government to mitigate the crisis caused by the coronavirus. This new portal also informs about the municipal services that are being strengthened to respond to the needs of the population.

The website is developed by the municipal technicians of the Smart City Office with the technology and the collaboration of ESRI, a technology company in the smartcity field, which enables various geolocation projects of the Valencia City Council within the smart city strategy.
Municipal Web COVID 19
Smart City Office · ITC Service
From this portal, visitors can receive timely information, from a single place, on any subject related to the pandemic and the exceptional situation that arose from the declaration of the State of Alarm at a regional and national level.
A Covid19 evolution panel has also been incorporated, which, using ESRI technology alongside the data provided daily by the Regional Health Board (Conselleria de Sanitat), enables the observation, through various graphs, of the different curves and comparisons and maps of the evolution of this health crisis, including positive cases detected, fatalities, numbers of people hospitalized as well as those who are being discharged. It is an element that has been constantly evolving.
The content of this section, with which citizens engaged the most, with a significant increase in visits with each change of Phase, has evolved, collecting information on the successive changes as a result from de-escalation, as well as exit-times, business openings guidelines, recommendations, urban gardens, etc.
Municipal aid telephone lines and links to sections such as: entepreneurs and businesses aids, employment aids, social benefits, psychological help, rental subsidies, pharmacies and coronavirus information.
Taking advantage of the functionalities brought forward by the VLCi Platform, a series of graphs have been publicly shown as a small extract of the Smart City Dashboards with relevant information on the state of the city of Valencia during the state of alarm by Covid-19 regardig matters such as mobility, urban waste management, pollution and water consumption. This kind of information allows for monitoring of the crisis evolution and and for decision-making based on daily information from the city.
The current affairs section, by including the publications that the City Council’s information service has been disseminating on its website as well as on social media and the press releases, is one that brings before the citizenshp the most immediate information.
this element, which is an extract from the GIS Portal, allowed, at first, to show on the map a series of layers of geo-referenced locations of interest to citizens, such as pharmacies, health clinics, hospitals, police and gas stations.
Since the announcement of the de-escalation, a new functionality was added, Close to me 1 kilometer, with which the user can draw a radius from their home to see how far from home they were allowed to walk.