The GIS Portal Project allows a wide variety of existing resources of the València City Council to be made available to the citizen on a map.

The GIS Portal displays geographical information on different municipal areas such as mobility, economy, social services, festive culture, etc. on the map. Users can select the information they are interested in visualizing and choose detailed pieces of it to be represented on the map.

GIS Portal several maps that can be freely accessed by citizens: street map, Fallas, mobility map, urban planning, tax zones, open data, historical maps of Valencia, gardening, markets, social networks and social services.

It is also used by City Services employees as an effective tool for their administrative chores: Real state taxes, restaurant terraces tables and chairs, tourist apartments, urban planning and infrastructures maintenance, Economic Activities taxes, street lighting inventory, etc.


GIS Portal


Smart City Office · ITC Service



  • 68 Municipal Services
  • 350 Information Layers
  • +1.500 Users
  • +500.000 Components