The mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, has published an article on one of the most relevant portals in the world of smart cities and telecommunications, the portal of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
In the article, he reviews the process that the city has followed to become a leading city in obtaining and measuring city indicators based on international standards. And how, due to the current situation, information and communication technologies have been a help to combat the daily challenges that cities face.
The Valencia City Council, under the technical umbrella of the Smart City Office, has been collaborating with the ITU since 2016 in the development of standards and certification processes.
Read the original article: Why València is a leader in smart city KPIs
Read the full article in Spanish: Por qué València es líder en KPI de ciudades inteligentes
Read the full article in Valencian: Per què València és líder en KPI de ciutats intel·ligents
The International Telecommunications Union is the specialized agency of the United Nations for ICT. Its tasks include the development of international standards or ecommendations UIT-T, such as Key Performance Indicators, KPI for Smart Sustanable Cities, SSC. These indicators are based on the four fundamental pillars that characterize a city: economy, government, environment and society.