The project proposes a more modern and efficient management of up to 194 buildings and municipal facilities. The VLCi platform would integrate all the connections that would benefit sports buildings, museums and monuments, municipal markets and schools (both municipal and those in which their maintenance and supplies are charged to the municipal budget).

In all these municipal spaces, the installation of internal and external environmental sensors is intended, which would allow control of atmospheric and light pollution, temperature, humidity, etc . Also, there are ment to be installed energy and water consumption sensors to ensure energy efficiency and economic savings.
Connecta Sports
58 sports facilities would be involved resulting on a better management: maintenance, court and activities bookings, occupancy sensors to control gauging and access… thus improving services offered and resulting on greater accessibility and comfort for the users.
Connecta Museums
For 22 museums and monuments, the project intends to deploy an online ticket sales platform and a dynamic content display system, as well as options related to geolocation and augmented reality.
Connecta Markets
In the case of 16 municipal markets, it is expected to be able to offer new services online by means of a platform from which customers, sellers and managers alike will benefit.
Connecta Schools
98 publicly-funded schools will benefit from an environmental awareness platform for the educational community, which will include online and app services (through the city App). In addition, other private schools that wish to join the initiative may be included.